Michael Abuah calls out KNUST Obuasi SRC President


Michael Abuah calls out KNUST Obuasi SRC President, Stephen Abban.

The incumbent KNUST SRC President, Michael Abuah takes swipes at the SRC president of the KNUST Obuasi campus. He took to his Twitter handle calling Abban Stephen out for taking the SRC funds for the KNUST Obuasi campus.

According to Michael Abuah, it was a rogue decision for Stephen Abban to push for full control over the entire KNUST Obuasi SRC funds. His decision took away any privileges for the campus to get more funds from the main campus SRC, he added.

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Moreover, Michael Abuah made these assertions bemoaning the fact many KNUST Obuasi campus students are queueing for financial assistance. This he believes should have been provided by Stephen Abban since he now has full control over KNUST Obuasi SRC funds.

The series of tweets, though now deleted, went on to blast Stephen Abban for making a decision that is now costing the students of Obuasi a great deal of support. Read Abuah’s tweets below:

Meanwhile, the latter, Stephen Abban is yet to respond to any of these accusations. However, we believe there are always two sides to a story, that is why we certainly can’t wait for Abban’s response.

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Trust us to keep you posted on this bittersweet bromance between the KNUST SRC and the KNUST Obuasi SRC.

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