Avance Media, Woodin & Verna to announce 2021 Top 50 Ghanaian Bloggers Ranking, July 28th

Avance Media, Woodin & Verna to announce 2021 Top 50 Ghanaian Bloggers Ranking, July 28th

Leading Rating and PR Firm, Avance Media in partnership with Woodin and Verna Natural Mineral Water are set to announce the third edition of the annual ranking of bloggers for 2021 named Top 50 Ghanaian Bloggers.

The ranking which was initiated by Avance Media in 2018 has received several commendations from industry players and brand as the premier rating scheme for Ghanaian bloggers across various sectors who are selected to be celebrated for their works in the blogging industry.

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The top 10 bloggers on the list will also be rewarded with products from premier fashion brand, Woodin.

The soiree will be hosted at the San Marino Hotel, on July 28th.

The event will also witness an awards presentation segment as all the top 50 bloggers will be awarded for the feats chalked in the year under review.

Other partners for this ranking include: McBerry Biscuits, WatsUp TV, San Marino Hotel Apartments and ICS Africa.

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For more details call Avance Media on 0507228272 or email pr@avancemedia.org

From: Avance Media

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