Bulldog and Shatta Wale’s arrest, Kwaw Kese calls on Police


Bulldog and Shatta Wale’s arrest, Kwaw Kese calls on Police for justice.

Following Shatta Wale’s confession about Fennec Okyere’s murder, his and Bulldog’s arrest is imminent. Shatta Wale revealed Bulldog told him about his plan to kill Fennec Okyere, Kwaw Kese’s late manager.

He went on to accuse Bulldog of Fennec Okyere’s murder and said he is ready to provide the needed evidence. According to Shatta Wale, the information he has would finally bring the years-long murder case to a close and the murderers prosecuted.

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Moreover, Kwaw Kese called on the police to arrest Shatta Wale and Bulldog. This he says is because they both know something about his late manager’s murder.

Meanwhile, Kese made these statements by sharing Shatta Wale’s earlier post in which he made the confessions. He demanded the police to help get justice for his manager’s murder.

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