Jackie Appiah’s mother shows up at her birthday celebration event in Kumasi


Jackie Appiah’s mother shows up at her birthday celebration event in Kumasi.

The biological mother of Jackie Appiah was present at her daughter’s 39th birthday celebration event. She shows up for the first time in a long time despite her daughter’s rise to fame decades ago.

The appearance of Jackie Appiah’s mother got many appreciating the source of her immense beauty. Thus, even at her age now, the aged mother still looks very beautiful.

The gorgeous actress’s mother, aunties, and other family members graced her donation exercise at her hometown, Ejisu Abankuro. This was after traveling all the way from Canada to Ghana to do so.

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Jackie Appiah went to Kumasi to make a donation to her hometown as part of her birthday celebration. She constructed a toilet facility and an electric borehole for the community. She also donated some items of need to them.

See Jackie Appiah and her mother’s photos below:

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