Michael Abuah refunds fraudulent South Africa trip’s money


Michael Abuah refunds fraudulent South Africa trip’s money.

The SRC President of KNUST, Michael Abuah has been caught in a controversial South Africa trip scandal. He took a sum of GH¢ 9,100 for a trip to South Africa, but he never make the trip.

The trip was a request from the South African Union of Students(SAUS) in collaboration with the University Students’ of Ghana(USAG). It was an educational and leadership trip to South Africa for the student leaders in Ghana.

However, Michael Abuah took the money meant for the trip despite not embarking on the trip. Further information indicates he even tried to fake his presence in South Africa in cahoots with his SRC executives.

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Therefore, after investigations, the University has written to Michael Abuah demanding he refunds the money he took. In the letter, the Directorate of Students Affairs instructed him to refund the money by 22nd July,2022.

Check out the letter below:

Moreover, the SRC Speaker of Parliament, Andrew A. Kyeremateng was also found guilty of the same charge. So, the same letter was equally addressed to him demanding a refund.

Meanwhile, since the letter demanded the refund latest by the stated deadline, they must have made it by now.

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