Kidi asks Cina Soul to send him nudes live on TV?

Kidi asks Cina Soul to send him nudes live on TV?

Kidi was live with a live performance tonight on UTV’s United Showbiz. And of course, he was late again. Yes, again, but do not ask me about his last late coming encounter, direct that question to Nana Romeo, lol.

Far from his lateness, this story is actually about Kidi’s performance. When he walked onto the set, he greeted everyone with a handshake. However, Kidi kissed Cina Soul only as he greeted her.

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Moreover, his first appearance on the show was with a performance after the show returned from a commercial break. He even had to pause to deny the fact that he was late, obviously lying though.

However, in the early parts of his performance, he performed his controversial song, Send Me Nudes. And guess who Kidi directed this statement to during his performance. Cina Soul! Thus, Kidi looked directly into Cina Soul’s eyes and sang, “Send me nudes”.

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Could Kidi’s gesture during his performance mean “Cina Soul, send me nudes?!”

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