Jackie Appiah has never rented a house before – Ghana Movie Awards CEO


Jackie Appiah has never rented a house before – Ghana Movie Awards CEO

The CEO of the Ghana Movie Awards, Fred Nuamah reveals an interesting fact about Jackie Appiah. He says she has never rented a house before.

According to him, Jackie Appiah has been living in her mother’s house. As a result, she has never spent any money on rent. So, Jackie Appiah has been saving all the money she earns from movies, endorsement deals, and others.

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Moreover, she also invests the money into real estate. We would detail Jackie Appiah’s real estate business in a subsequent story.

Fred Nuamah said these in reaction to doubts about Jackie Appiah’s source of wealth. Thus, the allegations after Jackie Appiah’s mansion video was posted on social media.

The CEO of Ghana’s biggest movie awards noted anybody doubting the actress’s ability to build that mansion doesn’t really know her. Meanwhile, he was speaking in an interview with Abeiku Santana.

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