TV3’s Portia Gabor wins Journalist of the Year at GJA Awards 2022


TV3’s Portia Gabor wins Journalist of the Year at GJA Awards 2022.

Media General’s Portia Solomon Gabor has been adjudged the 2021 Journalist of the Year.

She received the accolade at the 26th Ghana Journalists Association (GJA) Awards Night held at the Kempinski Gold Coast Hotel in Accra.

Portia Gabor’s feature titled ‘Beggars Paradise’ – which aired on TV3 within the year under review – was adjudged the Best News Production for TV.

She was also adjudged the Health Journalist of the Year with her feature titled ‘Health for Wealth’.

She paid glowing tribute to the pacesetters of journalism in Ghana, especially the female journalists, as she received her award.

“You didn’t only set the pace for us but you broke the glass ceiling,” she stressed.

TV3’s Juliet Bawuah’s story on rugby at the beach also won the Best in Sports.

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Joseph Armstrong Gold-Alorgbey’s coverage on how a contractor failed to hand over a completed school block in the Volta Region was adjudged the Best in the education category.

He had followed up to ensure that the completed classroom block was handed over for use by the community.

The three received plaques for their feat and a citation read for them. They were also decorated with sashes.

Godwin Asediba, who joined Media General from EIB Network earlier this year, was adjudged the Best in Sanitation. That story was aired on GHOne.

The 26th GJA Awards Night was chaired by former Vice Chancellor of the University of Ghana Professor Ernest Aryeetey.

The foundation Secretary General of the African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA) charged the “men and women of the media” to make their space available for debates on policy.

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By so doing, he further stated, policy will not be shaped by a few persons but rather shaped out of a thorough discussion and process for development.

The 26th GJA Awards is on the theme: ‘Walking the Path Towards Ghana’s Economic Recovery: The Role of the Media’.

A number of dignitaries including the US Ambassador to Ghana, Virginia E. Palmer and Justice of the Supreme Court (JSC) Yonny Kulendi were present at the event.


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