Nana Ama McBrown details how Media General got her to leave UTV and Despite Media


Nana Ama McBrown details how Media General got her to leave UTV and Despite Media.

Seems like all the buzz surrounding Nana Ama McBrown’s move to Media General is not ending anytime soon. The screen goddess left UTV to join Media General’s Onua group(TV and Radio) and many cannot stay mute about it. This is probably because it took many by surprise, they did not see it coming.

However, have you taken a moment to wonder how Media General got hold of such a big fish from her comfort zone at a media giant like UTV? Well, Nana Ama McBrown details how Media General poached her from UTV and the Despite Media.

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According to the gorgeous actress, she first received a call from Media General earlier last month, in February. Though she ignored them, she kept praying about it for nearly a month. Afterward, she and her management began deliberating it as they could ignore such a big opportunity after all.

However, during the same period, she requested a hiatus and a review of her work at UTV but was ignored. Cutting the long story short, she moved on with Media General and tendered in her resignation at Despite Media, owners of UTV, where hosted United Showbiz.

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Moreover, speaking of the aftermath of her decision to leave UTV, Nana Ama McBrown revealed she is now very happy she moved on. The actress cum TV personality made this known in an interview with Johnnie Hughes on 3 FM.

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