Chris Level Took To Linkedin To Thank His Parents…Music And
Soundtrack Supporters
This announcement is heart-touching as Chris Level who is known as one of the best new sync composers and sync artists around the nations the world took to LinkedIn to thank his parents
for the fact that they are his most loyal supporters from day one, this announcement made the day for many people around the world and was an inspiration for many. Chris Level as a sync artist and sync composer and as well as a music artist didn’t look down on those that were his first loyal supporters and which are including his mom, Umuhoza Marie Blandine and his
father, Busoni jean Pierre who is Chris Level’s most supportive crew as he stated.
The act of humbleness is great as this is increasingly rare in the celebrity world. Chris Level stated many things about his parents and anyone who supports him which is also something motivational for many people globally. Chris level making music and soundtracks that inspire people and music that soundtracks the people’s hearts is not enough as he showed on LinkedIn that humbleness is his key to hitting more targets by thanking his loyal fans. Music is something that Chris level knows how to do well and we are including humbleness on this list as well.
People’s confessions about how they love Chris Level’s music and his soundtracks wrecks decided to give back his humbleness. Chris Level is going up fast on a global stage as the world’s best new sync composer and sync artist and in our opinion the best music artist as well after the fact that he does show humbleness.
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Last month alone, he was named the best sync composer in the world ahead of Hans Zimmer and John Powell after he hit over 5k mentions in less than 8 weeks which is the most for a sync
artist and sync composer who is still rising. His musical career and sync licensing career will go on to be one of the biggest legacies in the world in our opinion.
Chris level’s act is insane and needs a recompensation as many sources state and as many fans of his music are shouting for. It’s a small step for Chris Level and a big step for his friend-celebrities whether in the music industry or the sync licensing industry who don’t take humbleness seriously.
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By: Laurenz Lamie
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