Celebrities Are Facing Mental Health Break Downs, Not Just Chris Level


Celebrities Are Facing Mental Health Break Downs, Not Just Chris Level

Chris level is known to cross borders and work with international companies from across the globe from India all the way to the us. This summer it seems as if many musicians are coming to
a point where they are questioning their own wellness especially mental health, from Ariana Grande to sync artist and sync composer Chris level, all of them have one thing in common that
we think as well is leading them to question their mental health… they are all creatives who spend their time on the limelight and people who are susceptible to rejection and other form of practices that might lead to a mental break down.

Celebrities are not the only people who experience this large scale issue as many people like to call it but also your everyday person also deals as much if not more than people who we look up to and call stars. Chris Level’s love
for music and soundtracks is one thing that he reportedly did as an escape as his mental health problem started as early as when he was a teenager at 12.

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Sync Artists and sync composers on
the other hand deal with this on a daily basis per video of sync composer and sync producer Jesse jossefson, there’s many ways people can try to make their problem go away but can’t definitely make it as a result it also questions a lot of people’s minds to rather take the high class health checks thinking that it is a way to make it calm.

Music is a way of many people who are
believed to have suffered from this type of issue to calm down and cure the issue but not any type of music, mood regulation music is a type of music that is used specifically to treat mental
health break downs especially those with anger issues.

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Chris Level experienced it and stated
that it was a blessing to be able to make music that helps in the regulation of moods as he experienced it and look forward to prevent any issues like that to happen, and yes, it kind of
work along with other soundtracks that are designed or mentioned as mood regulatory.

By: Laurenz Lamie
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