UEW admissions: Entry requirements and Campuses for various programmes.

UEW 2020/2021 admissions: Entry requirements and Campuses for various programmes.
UEW 2020/2021 admissions

UEW admissions: Entry requirements and Campuses for various programmes.

Winneba situated University of Education(UEW), recently opened its doors for applications for admissions into the forthcoming academic year. If you are looking to go to school this year, you may have begun reaching out for application vouchers by now right?

READ MORE: University of Education, Winneba(UEW) opens applications for 2022/2023 admissions.

If yes, then have you taken the pain to go through UEW’s various available programmes, their entry requirements and the campuses that offer those programmes? I know you most probably have not done so yet.

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READ MORE: UEW 2022/2023 admissions: How to Apply, Voucher prices and Entrance Examination dates.

That is why we are providing you with an easy-pizza way to go through the various kinds of admissions, their entry requirements and the campuses you are likely to get for your preferred course.

However, click on any of the links below for all the details:

Click here if you want Admission into Direct/Mature/Post-Diploma Undergraduate Programmes

Click here if you want Admission into Distance Undergraduate & Postgraduate Programmes

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Click here if you want Admission into Regular Post Graduate Programmes

Click here if you want Admission into Sandwich Postgraduate Programmes

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