Sarkodie was too shy to propose to me – Tracy recounts how their relationship started


Sarkodie was too shy to propose to me – Tracy recounts how their relationship started

Wife of Africa’s biggest rapper, Sarkodie, Tracy reveals how their relationship started. She recounted how they met and how they ended up getting married.

Tracy revealed Sarkodie could not propose to her directly, he had to tell her cousin. This was obviously because he was too shy to do so. So, he told the cousin who lived with Tracy to relay his love proposal to her.

Unfortunately, the said cousin only told her of Sarkodie’s feelings only when she(Tracy) was about to leave for Germany. Tracy spent three years in Germany and upon her return, she and Sarkodie reconnected as friends.

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According to Tracy, even though Sarkodie was mean to her at the beginning, everything fell into place as time passed. Initially, Tracy did not really believe in Sarkodie’s pursuit of his music career. She rather wanted to take him to Germany and get him a job.

Nonetheless, what made even made Tracy fall deeply in love with Sarkodie was his vision. He had this deep sense of imagination and creativity to construct his visions into reality. This was what marveled her about him, she confessed.

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Meanwhile, Sarkodie and Tracy got married in 2018 and they currently have two kids, a girl, and a boy. Tracy made these interesting revelations on Berla Mundi’s The Day Show on TV3.

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