Afia Schwarzenegger hits back at Ellen Korkor, Afia Schwarzenegger II


Afia Schwarzenegger hits back at Ellen Korkor, Afia Schwarzenegger II over threats.

The second Afia Schwarzenegger Delay created, Ellen Korkor warned anybody who attacks Delay to be ready to incur her wrath. Thus, she is ready to deal with anybody who tries to hurt her beloved Delay.

Though Ellen Korkor did not mention anybody’s name, she was evidently warning Afia Schwarzenegger. That is why Afia Schwarzenegger has reacted to her threat.

Afia Schwarzenegger says she can’t even imagine replying to someone like Ellen Korkor, who can’t even speak good English. Besides, she can’t even construct a simple English sentence just like her boss, Delay. Afia Schwarzenegger laughed, as she shared a snippet in which Ellen Korkor said “She is are.”

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