Sarkodie exposes Yvonne Nelson as he responds to her abortion claims


Sarkodie exposes Yvonne Nelson as he responds to her abortion claims.

Africa’s iconic rapper, Sarkodie addresses the controversies surrounding Yvonne Nelson’s pregnancy and abortion allegations against him. He responded to the actress’s accusation of him making her have an abortion after he refused to take responsibility for her pregnancy.

Hitting back at Yvonne Nelson, Sarkodie revealed he never made her have an abortion as she alleged. On the contrary, he told her to keep the pregnancy but she bemoaned her education was on the line and she needed to graduate first.

Besides, though Sarkodie equally was not ready to have a child by then, she made him know she couldn’t keep the pregnancy. Thus, the time was not right for neither her or him.

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Putting it all in a rap song, Sarkodie said Yvonne Nelson annoyed him by making it look like he was the one pushing her to have the abortion. Thus, when in actual sense, she was the one who badly needed to get rid of the pregnancy unlike what she insinuated in her memoir, I am not Yvonne Nelson.

Moreover, the ‘Countryside’ hitmaker further revealed to date, he still has his doubts about being responsible for the pregnancy. This he said was because he was hinted Yvonne Nelson was promiscuous.

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The actress cum film producer also refused to have Sarkodie’s doctor attend to her. These accounts for his doubts the pregnancy was actually his in the first place.

Check out Sarkodie’s reply to Yvonne Nelson, ‘Try Me’ below:

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