Last Saturday being Shatta Wale’s birthday, he received a lot of birthday wishes from both celebrities and fans. Notable among those wishes was the one from his baby mama, Michy. Her birthday message to her ex-fiance was so passionate, for once we thought she was already getting cosy with him.
READ Michy’s passionate Birthday message to Shatta Wale “stripper treat for you tonight”
However, although Michy promised Shatta Wale a stripper treat on the night of his birthday, she was absent at his birthday party. This raised lots of questions in the minds of many as to why she did not attend the star-studded birthday party.
When Michy was asked why she was not present, despite raising the hopes of many fans, her answer was quite shocking. She revealed that the reason why she was not at the party was that Shatta Wale did not invite her. Thus, she can not attend an event without being invited.
Michy replied:
“Don’t say what you don’t know. we don’t go where we aren’t invited.”
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