Jackie Appiah’s wedding with Liberian President pops up on social media


Jackie Appiah’s wedding with Liberian President pops up on social media.

One of Ghana’s biggest actors, Jackie Appiah is getting married to Liberian President, George Oppong Weah. According to the rumored reports, the wedding is scheduled to happen this year.

Thus, Jackie Appiah’s wedding is slated for 26th December with the Liberian President. If the wedding pushes through as rumored, Jackie Appiah would be George Oppong Weah’s second wife.

However, though the reports are yet to be confirmed, many have been reacting to them on social media. Whiles many were happy for the gorgeous actress, others felt being a second wife is not good enough.

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Meanwhile, a few, possibly Liberians, were also edgy that their President has been spending their money on her. Well, quite a number of divergent views on the supposed wedding. What’s your thought?

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